- Trip

Staycations: Everything You Need to Know


Everybody needs time out from reality sometimes, but sometimes it can be hard to plan the perfect trip abroad. Here at We Buy Any House, we have compiled a small guide on everything you need to know about staycations. 

What is a Staycation?

A staycation is essentially the combination of the words ‘staying’ and ‘vacation’. If you’re not able to go abroad or get away from your hometown or city for whatever reason, then a staycation allows you to have a break without even leaving your home. Whether you choose to stay at a local hotel, or even recuperate at home, a staycation is a perfect way for you to feel as though you’re living it up at a resort or somewhere else.

What Are the Benefits of a Staycation?

You Can Save Money:

Travelling abroad can become expensive very easily, especially if you’re going away for a long time or are travelling with a large group of people. A benefit of enjoying a staycation is that you can save a lot of money, and its cost-efficient nature means you can relax even more as you aren’t worried about money.

It Will Help Your Local Economy:

By staying at home and doing a staycation, you can put money back into your local area. By visiting your local area, or smaller businesses and shops, you can help build the economy in your local area- which in the long run will benefit those who are around you every day.

It’s Easier to Plan:

We all know the chaos of trying to organise a holiday abroad, or somewhere that’s far away from home. If you’re planning on doing a staycation, then this will be easier for you to plan- which will overall make the experience a lot less stressful.

How to Make Your Home Staycation Worthy:

Using Bamboo Furniture Exterior:

If you want to add a tropical vibe to your home and specifically your garden, then it’s a good idea to use bamboo materials to your home. It’s a great texture to add to your home, and it’s resistant to the outdoor elements and unpredictable weather changes. You can get matching pieces of furniture in bamboo, from tables to chairs and even shelving.

Add More Greenery:

When you’re typically on holiday, you expect to see lots of greenery around you. If you’re looking to make your house look like more of a staycation area, then adding greenery will definitely make the area feel more tropical. And if you’re worried about killing the plants then you can get faux plants which won’t die.

Add in Comfy Bedding:

Comfy beds are the make or break of many vacations. When you’re going away to relax, then you ideally want to have a bed that makes you feel right at home. Replicate this in your home by implementing hotel-style bedding, which combines both comfort and aesthetic quality.

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