German Citizenship by Descent
- Travel

How to Obtain German Citizenship by Descent


Germany is a popular destination for travel, work, and study, with a rich cultural heritage and a thriving economy. One may be eligible for German citizenship by descent if one has German ancestors. This blog looks at how to obtain German citizenship by descent and the benefits of having German citizenship.

What is German Citizenship by Descent? 

German citizenship by descent or ancestry is a legal right granted to individuals with German ancestry. If one can prove that one has German ancestry, one can get German citizenship even if one was born outside of Germany.

Eligibility for German citizenship by descent 

First, one must have a German ancestor who was a German citizen at birth. This means that at least one of the parents or grandparents was a German citizen. If one has more than one German ancestor, one can choose which ancestor one wants to base the citizenship application.

So, a German ancestor lost his German citizenship for reasons beyond his control, such as emigrating or marrying a non-German citizen. For example, if the German ancestor moved to another country and acquired citizenship of that country, he would lose his German citizenship. Likewise, if the German ancestor had married a non-German before 1975, he would have lost his German citizenship because German women were not allowed to pass on their citizenship to their children before 1975.

It is important to note that if the German ancestor voluntarily renounced, one is not entitled to German by-birth citizenship or was taken away by the German authorities. Also, if the German ancestor acquired German citizenship by assimilation rather than by birth or descent, one is not entitled to German citizenship by descent.

Applying for German citizenship by descent 

If one meets the requirements for german citizenship by descent, one can apply for citizenship by applying to the German embassy or consulate in the country of residence. The application process can take several months, and one may need to submit additional documents or attend an interview.

Benefits of German citizenship:

  • The right to live and work in Germany without a visa or work permit.
  • Access to the German health and education systems.
  • The opportunity to vote in German elections and participate in the political process.
  • The right to travel freely within the European Union and access the EU labor market.
  • Dual citizenship: Germany allows dual citizenship, so one can keep the current citizenship while acquiring German citizenship.

Germany citizenship by descent is a valuable legal right that can offer many benefits to those who qualify. If one is of German descent, obtaining German citizenship can offer one the opportunity to live, work and study in Germany, enter the labor market of the European Union, and participate in political processes. Although the application process can be lengthy, obtaining German citizenship can be worthwhile.

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