Ski if You Are Not Fit
- Travel

Can You Ski if You Are Not Fit?


Skiing has become extremely popular in recent times, and more people are choosing to have a winter vacation so that they can enjoy this thrilling sport. But for those who are new to skiing, the question of fitness is one that comes up quite often. Some even wonder if skiing will make them fitter or even whether one needs to be fit in order to ski.

The wonderful thing about skiing is that it is an activity that can be enjoyed by individuals of all ages. Your age, height and body shape are not an issue when it comes to skiing, but it has to be said that the fitter you are the easier you are likely to find it. Skiing can be tough, particularly on the lower half of the body. So if you are out of shape and unused to exercise, you are likely to quit the slopes before those who are fitter. What can you do, then, to get fitter before you ski?

Getting Fit for Skiing

As mentioned already, your weight and body shape are not restrictions for skiing, but being overweight does not have to mean that you are unfit. However, that being said, the heavier a person is the harder it may be to maneuver on the slopes. This could affect the experience and enjoyment. Even if you have skied before, you might find the experience quite different if you have recently put on some weight and you are not as fit as you once were.

It is advisable to try to improve your fitness levels before your trip by focusing on exercises that require the use of your own body weight. Try to strengthen your arms, quads, glutes, calves, and abs with exercises such as squats, sit-ups, crunches, push-ups, leg kickbacks, and lunges. You should also make sure that you are improving your stamina and endurance by incorporating some cardio exercises into your routine. This means increasing your heartrate by doing exercises such as swimming, running, or cycling.

Changing your diet might also help when it comes to getting ready for the slopes. Because you are going to be doing more exercise, you will need to eat more to fuel your body. But this does not mean increasing junk food intake. Eat more healthy foods such as fruit and vegetables and make sure you are getting enough fluids. When hitting the slopes, it is especially important to eat well before you start skiing, so it is advisable to always have a healthy breakfast in the morning and make sure you have access to snacks during the day.

Preparing for Skiing

Getting fit is important when it comes to skiing, but so too is having the right equipment. If you have skied in the past and have your own equipment, it is a good idea to have the skis tuned. Ski tunes are designed to ensure that your equipment is in good working order, which will make the experience more enjoyable. The folk at Canyon Sports say that you could also consider ski rental instead, as this means you will be using new equipment in excellent condition. You can also rent boots and helmet if you need to.


While there is no law to say you must be fit to ski, it most certainly helps if you are. Skiing is challenging on the body, so being in shape will make the activity much more enjoyable. If you are worried that your fitness levels have dropped, it is best to start working on your muscles and cardio fitness before your trip.

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