Keep in Mind When Forest Camping
- Camping

What to Keep in Mind When Forest Camping


What should you consider before embarking upon a camping trip to the forest? As you might expect, the answer to that question isn’t just – one answer. Furthermore, these answers can be very diverse and spanning the multiple different areas of camping discipline, from ensuring sustenance to making sleeping arrangements and from bringing along what you need to knowing what to do in the event of an accident or some other emergency.

There is also the not-insignificant matter of making sure you don’t get lost – forests have a bit of reputation in that department!

Much preparation advice for a forest camping trip will depend on what type of forest camping trip you are going on. The location itself does not immediately suggest what type of camping is done there, simply because there are many different types of forests and many different things you can do there.

Going on a long survival trek through a forest and foraging your own food is quite a different experience from relaxing on a hammock in a glade where you have pitched your tent on some gentle terrain besides a bubbling stream.

Your forest camping trip could involve driving to the edge of the forest and setting up a camp a little inside, or it could involve getting out the tie down straps to secure some serious adventure equipment to your car before venturing down a river. It’s diverse!

General Advice for Forest Camping

Regardless of what you’re doing there though, there is some advice related to the nature of forests themselves which everybody should heed. Whether you’re off for a relaxing, adventure or for survival forest camping trip, there are a few things which all forests generally share in common.

For one thing, wildlife is always an issue – which can be a good or bad thing! Any forests in America, for example, are likely to pose a small risk of bear incursion on the campsite. Fires are always something to think about, and so too is the fact that finding natural shelter is usually easier in a forest.

Forest Camping Tips

Here follows then some useful forest camping considerations. Depending on what type of camping trip you have in mind, they might not always apply. Some of them, however, are sure to.

Plan and Research Your Route and Location.

Well, of course. You need to know what you are doing and where you’re going. Forests are not usually the most navigable stretches of the Earth, and you getting lost can be a risk. Rollercam, makers of tie down straps that utilize a cam buckle, say that it’s easier to stick to road for the majority of the journey, and set up camp just a little off these roads. Going deeper into the forest normally precludes car travel.

Always Bring Medical Supplies

Forests are not places where you can build. That’s why they are normally cut down before that happens. For the majority of forest trips, this means no nearby hospitals or medical centers. Accordingly, even for relaxing forest trips, you should certainly at least bring a first aid box. For more adventurous trips, consider bringing even more comprehensive medical supplies.

Do Campfires Properly

You should be sure to both set campfires and to put them out properly. And do we really need to set out precisely why that is the case? Depending on the weather, fires can be a real risk in forests, and they have the potential to be truly disastrous. Never leave a campfire that isn’t completely extinguished and always create a perimeter to contain the fire.

Forest camping is a diverse pastime, but there are always some tips to defer to.

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Provided by glamping dome manufacturer Pacific Domes

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